Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I danced...

O.k. here I go again.  I will try to keep up with this better now.  My family and I had a great summer and we have a good start to fall.  I can honestly say I "danced" this summer!  For those who don't know what I am talking about let me explain...
It all started with something my aunt said to me about this time last year.  We were struggling with some financial issues and looking back I can see that I was a little depressed.  In conversation, she said "You may not know it now, but one day you will look back and realize that these are the happiest days of your life."  I thought about that statement and I did know it, but I was not living it.  I was putting things off until we had more money or until the house was clean.  Then I got a full time job and truly felt like I only had time for my family on the weekends.  I took what precious moments I could and tucked the memories away praying that I could recall them later. Then after about a month on the job I heard a song that has now been made infamous.  I heard Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman while checking his website for new stuff.  I was reduced to tears not by the song so much as the interview and the reason for the song.  I heard my own frustration and racing through life's chores, through my children's chores.  How many times had they come to me to play with them, but I had to get the floors moped or the dishes washed.  God had been gently telling me to appreciate them and savor them, now before time got away.  He was telling me to play and to "dance" with my princes.  I decided that now was the time for everything.  The motto went from "not until" to "why not now".  It was difficult since I worked and Derrick worked, but I was determined to enjoy every moment - even the dreaded bath time.  So, when I was fired, it was truly like I was set FREE!  So this summer I danced with my princes!