Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I danced...

O.k. here I go again.  I will try to keep up with this better now.  My family and I had a great summer and we have a good start to fall.  I can honestly say I "danced" this summer!  For those who don't know what I am talking about let me explain...
It all started with something my aunt said to me about this time last year.  We were struggling with some financial issues and looking back I can see that I was a little depressed.  In conversation, she said "You may not know it now, but one day you will look back and realize that these are the happiest days of your life."  I thought about that statement and I did know it, but I was not living it.  I was putting things off until we had more money or until the house was clean.  Then I got a full time job and truly felt like I only had time for my family on the weekends.  I took what precious moments I could and tucked the memories away praying that I could recall them later. Then after about a month on the job I heard a song that has now been made infamous.  I heard Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman while checking his website for new stuff.  I was reduced to tears not by the song so much as the interview and the reason for the song.  I heard my own frustration and racing through life's chores, through my children's chores.  How many times had they come to me to play with them, but I had to get the floors moped or the dishes washed.  God had been gently telling me to appreciate them and savor them, now before time got away.  He was telling me to play and to "dance" with my princes.  I decided that now was the time for everything.  The motto went from "not until" to "why not now".  It was difficult since I worked and Derrick worked, but I was determined to enjoy every moment - even the dreaded bath time.  So, when I was fired, it was truly like I was set FREE!  So this summer I danced with my princes!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Turkey Cheers

OK, I am way behind in my blogging, but I just had to put up this photo of Derrick toasting his friend Adam with a turkey leg.  They were celebrating Adam's recent promotion and spent the evening at Epcot with beer and turkey legs.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


While at Animal Kingdom on Monday, I bought Alex a mickey mouse ice cream.  I bought myself a mickey shaped ice cream sandwich which I thought I would share with Logan.  So I broke off the ear and handed it to Logan.  He handed it back to me and cried pitifully "broke".  Needless to say he also ended up with his own mickey ice cream.  
P.S. Check out my tiger pic.

Animal Kingdom

Wow, this weekend was sooo busy.  Derrick had Monday and Tuesday off so that was our weekend.  Monday we went to Animal Kingdom in the day and Epcot at night. The kids had a blast!  We played in the Dinosaur Playground, rode a dinosaur ride, ate mickey ice cream and saw tigers in Asia.  Here are some of our fun pics.  Stay tuned for more of our crazy weekend.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

happy June 1st

Happy June 1st everyone.  I guess summer is officially here.  Our family is having a great beginning to our summer.  Derrick has fenced in our backyard, we have some patio furniture and a new grill (thanks to Derrick's dad - yeah papaw).  So the kids have been playing like crazy out there and we have been grilling like crazy.  Derrick has become quite the grill master!  I have even borrowed an ice cream maker and made homemade frozen lemonade and ice cream.  I cant tell you how much I'm loving the freedom of a fenced backyard.  On another note, this weekend was slam packed.  We spent Friday at Memaw and Papaw's (for those of you who don't know that is Derrick's parents) where we -you guessed it - grilled out.  We have also been playing on their new Wii game system.  Alex loves golf and bowling on it and he is actually good at it.  I have picts of Alex playing Wii golf and Logan using the tv remote thinking that he is playing.  How cute is that?!  Alex has also mastered the mouse on the computer and loves playing games with Thomas the tank engine on Memaws laptop.  My little computer nerd with his serious expression.  I hope you guys are enjoying your summer as much as we are!

For a laugh:  While getting ready for church this morning, Alex came into the kitchen carring a piece of toilet paper.  He had just came from where Derrick was using the potty and he asked so seriously "Mommy can you go wipe my daddy?''

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Iron in the fire?

O.K  I may be crazy for starting this (you know, just something else to have to keep up with), but I thought maybe it would be therapeutic as well as a way to keep up with things I never want to forget.  So here goes...  My personal blog and maybe a way to keep in touch.  
   Just to bring everyone up to date, I am back at home full time now.  I got a job with a daycare center in January, and after three months of non stop sickness for our whole family I was let go due to being out to much with my sick kids.  So I basically was fired for being out too much with sickness that we all picked up from me working at that daycare - go figure.  So I am back at home and loving it.  When my kids start driving me crazy I just think of how our life was when I was working.  I am suddenly very happy to deal with anything my own kids through at me. 
As of right now, my kids are washed and fed and awaiting the arrival of Daddy.  They look so cute laying in bed watching baby Einstein.  O.k. I wont overload the website with a book, but stay tuned because I have put another iron in the fire of my life.