Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Iron in the fire?

O.K  I may be crazy for starting this (you know, just something else to have to keep up with), but I thought maybe it would be therapeutic as well as a way to keep up with things I never want to forget.  So here goes...  My personal blog and maybe a way to keep in touch.  
   Just to bring everyone up to date, I am back at home full time now.  I got a job with a daycare center in January, and after three months of non stop sickness for our whole family I was let go due to being out to much with my sick kids.  So I basically was fired for being out too much with sickness that we all picked up from me working at that daycare - go figure.  So I am back at home and loving it.  When my kids start driving me crazy I just think of how our life was when I was working.  I am suddenly very happy to deal with anything my own kids through at me. 
As of right now, my kids are washed and fed and awaiting the arrival of Daddy.  They look so cute laying in bed watching baby Einstein.  O.k. I wont overload the website with a book, but stay tuned because I have put another iron in the fire of my life.